Chapter 3

3. Martinique creole on the smartphone (cont.)

Island Edition


Martinique creole on the smartphone (2)
. An jennfi Matinik (B) ka palé épi an jenn touris alman (A). A young girl from Martinique speaks with a young German tourist (A).
B Manman, manman, manman ! Sa pa posib ! Bon kréyol ki la ! Ti kréyol-nou an ! Wow! That’s unbelievable! Real creole! Our creole (from Martinique)!
A Mé wi, sé an madanm Matinik épi an Alman ki fè tousa. Non madanm-lan sé Marijozé. Yeah, it’s a lady from Martinique and a German who did all this. The name of the lady is Marijozé.
B Marijozé ? Ébé, mem non épi mwen ! Marijozé? Well, same name as me!
A E mwen, non-mwen sé Sébastien. And my name is Sebastian.
B Kontan konnet ou, Sébastien. E lot Marijozé-a, sé ki moun ? Pleased to meet you, Sebastian. And the other Marijozé, who is she?
A Sé li ki fè Ti lison asou Martinique 1ère. She’s the one who did Ti lison on Martinique 1ère.
B Mé wi… man ka wè ki moun ! Ou sav, bagay-tala ka entérésé mwen. Mwen té ké enmen gadé sa pli bien. Kon mwen té ka alé Lans-a-Làn mwen itou, nou ka alé ansanm ? Yeah… I see who she is. You know, I’m interested in this thing. I’d like to look closer at it. As I was going to the Donkey beach too, shall we go together?
A San problem, mé man ka atann détwa kanmarad. A ! mi yo, yo ka rivé. Certainly, but I am waiting for a few friends. (…) Ah, look, they are coming.
B Sé dé fi-a épi sé dé boug-tala ? Bel pasaj…. The two girls and those two guys? Fantastic…
